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Cara Membuat Ikon Twitter di Toolbar

OKs Bro. Salam Sukses. Sama seperti tutorial yang sebelumnya. Kali ini Mas Bro akan membahas sedikit tentang cara membuat ikon Twitter di toolbar pada toolbar Mozilla Firefox. Jadi sobat semua tinggal meng-klik ikon tersebut dan sobat langsung terhubung dengan akun Twitter sobat tanpa perlu sobat bersusah payah menulusuri pada Search Engine. Ikon Twitter ini didukung langsung olah Alexa, selaku sumber terpercaya untuk mengetahui  ranking kepopuleran sebuah web maupun blog. Mau tau cara paling mudah?. Baik kita mulai membuatnya bersama.

1.       Bacalah doa agar kita selamat dan sukses
2.       Silahkan sobat klik disini untuk mendownload
3.       Matikan block pop up windows sobat (jika sobat menggunakan block pop up)
4.       Klik Allow untuk mendownload
5.       Lakukan proses instalasi
6.       Restart Mozilla Firefox sobat
7.       Selesai

Cukup mudah bukan…
OKs Bro, cukup sekian tutorial blog kita kali ini. Jika sobat masih ingin mempelajari tentang tutorial yang lain sobat dapat menuju label tutorial pada blog ini dan sobat akan mendapatkan teknik-teknik yang dapat mempercantik blog sobat.


Cara Membuat Ikon Facebook di Toolbar

OKs Bro. Salam Sukses. Kali ini Mas Bro akan membahas sedikit tentang cara membuat ikon Facebook di toolbar pada toolbar Mozilla Firefox. Jadi sobat semua tinggal meng-klik ikon tersebut dan sobat langsung terhubung dengan akun Facebook sobat tanpa perlu sobat bersusah payah menulusuri pada Search Engine. Ikon Facebook ini didukung langsung olah Alexa, selaku sumber terpercaya untuk mengetahui  ranking kepopuleran sebuah web maupun blog. Mau tau cara paling mudah?. Baik kita mulai membuatnya bersama.

1.       Bacalah doa agar kita selamat dan sukses
2.       Silahkan sobat klik disini untuk mendownload
3.       Matikan block pop up windows sobat (jika sobat menggunakan block pop up)
4.       Klik Allow untuk mendownload
5.       Lakukan proses instalasi
6.       Restart Mozilla Firefox sobat
7.       Selesai

Cukup mudah bukan…
OKs Bro, cukup sekian tutorial blog kita kali ini. Jika sobat masih ingin mempelajari tentang tutorial yang lain sobat dapat menuju label tutorial pada blog ini dan sobat akan mendapatkan teknik-teknik yang dapat mempercantik blog sobat.


Cara Membuat Ikon Gmail Di Toolbar

OKs Bro. Salam Sukses. Sudah lama Mas Bro tidak membuat postingan Tutorial Blog. Nah, kali ini Mas Bro akan membahas sedikit tentang cara membuat ikon Gmail di toolbar pada toolbar Mozilla Firefox. Jadi sobat semua tinggal meng-klik ikon tersebut dan sobat langsung terhubung dengan akun Gmail sobat tanpa perlu sobat bersusah payah menulusuri pada Search Engine. Ikon Gmail ini didukung langsung olah Alexa, selaku sumber terpercaya untuk mengetahui  ranking kepopuleran sebuah web maupun blog. Mau tau cara paling mudah?. Baik kita mulai membuatnya bersama.

1.       Bacalah doa agar kita selamat dan sukses
2.       Silahkan sobat klik disini untuk mendownload
3.       Matikan block pop up windows sobat (jika sobat menggunakan block pop up)
4.       Klik Allow untuk mendownload
5.       Lakukan proses instalasi
6.       Restart Mozilla Firefox sobat
7.       Selesai

Cukup mudah bukan…
OKs Bro, cukup sekian tutorial blog kita kali ini. Jika sobat masih ingin mempelajari tentang tutorial yang lain sobat dapat menuju label tutorial pada blog ini dan sobat akan mendapatkan teknik-teknik yang dapat mempercantik blog sobat.


Jika Aku Menjadi CEO Grup Bakrie

Amin ya Robbal Alamin...

Itulah satu kata yang terucap ketika aku mengetikkan judul diatas. Mungkin bagi kebanyakan orang mengatakan perkataan ini sebagai hal yang tak mungkin atau bahkan mengada-ada. Tapi bagiku, kenapa tidak? Toh aku juga mempunyai semua hal yang dimiliki oleh para CEO Bakrie saat ini, aku punya akal, kaki, tangan, mata, hidung, telinga dan yang lainnya yang telah dianugerahkan oleh Allah SWT kepadaku. Yang tidak aku punya adalah "KESEMPATAN".

Di alam semesta ini ada satu hukum semesta yang sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan seseorang. Ketika kita melakukan suatu aksi maka akan ada reaksi. Intinya adalah apa yang kita pikirkan dan harapkan, maka itulah yang akan Tuhan berikan. Kita sering mendengar ungkapan yang mengatakan, "Ucapanmu adalah Doamu".

Inilah impianku sebagai orang yang penuh dengan keterbatasan. Seandainya aku diijinkan oleh Allah untuk menjadi seorang CEO Grup Bakrie, aku akan sangat bersyukur sekali. Coba bayangkan, ketika seorang Aburizal Bakrie mempercayakan semua perusahaannya kepadaku, mungkin aku hanya berkata, "Terima kasih ya Allah, terima kasih pak Aburizal, semoga saya dapat menjalankan amanah ini dengan baik dan berguna bagi rakyat Indonesia".


Jari - jari Kekuatan
Setiap orang mempunyai jari yang berbeda. Itulah Kuasa Allah. Allah tidak pernah kekurangan dalam hal hal menciptakan berbagai model bentuk jari. Dari seluruh mahlukNya, semua mempunyai kekuatan dan keunikan sendiri - sendiri. Tidak pernah sama. Inilah yang aku sebut jari-jari kekuatan. Aku mempunyai kekuatanku sendiri. Berbeda dengan orang lain. Aku akan membuat perusahaan Grup Bakrie menjadi kuat dengan bantuan jari-jari kekuatan orang lain disekelilingku, agar aku bertambah kuat. 

Para Pendampingku
Aku mempunyai orangtua yang selalu mendoakanku. Aku mempunyai istri yang cantik, dan anak-anak yang cantik. Yang setiap saat selalu berdoa " Ya Allah, berikan rezeki yang halal untuk ayahku, dan berikan ketenangan kepada kami semua". Amin. Aku mempunyai teman-teman yang selalu mendukung dan memberitahuku ketika aku salah jalan. Inilah bagian dari kekuatanku. 

Perusahaan Besar
Aku sudah mempunyai segalanya jika aku menjadi CEO Grup Bakrie. Aku sudah punya perusahaan besar berskala Internasional yang aku gabungkan dalam satu perusahaan Bakrie & Brothers dengan aset triliyunan, perusahaan telekomunikasi di Bakrie Telecom dengan dasar harga murah yang cukup kompetitif, perusahaan Bakrie Connectivity untuk menyambungkan duniaku duniamu dengan jagat dunia maya,  perusahaan berbasis sumber daya alam Indonesia di Bakrie Sumatera Plantations dan Bumi Resources, serta perusahaan Properti di Bakrieland.

Dari semua hal diatas, itu menandakan bahwa aku telah mempunyai segalanya. Padahal aku hanya makan tiga kali dalam sehari.  Apalagi yang harus aku buat? Semuanya akan terjawab dibagian akhir tulisan ini.


"Gara nila setitik, rusak susu sebelanga". Mungkin inilah yang menjadi kelemahanku. Ketika salah satu perusahaanku di Grup Bakrie membuat satu kesalahan, maka akan rusak nama baikku di mata rakyat. Untuk itulah ketika aku menjadi seorang CEO Grup Bakrie, aku akan memberikan segalanya untuk dapat menghapuskan semua kesalahanku. Tak perduli aku akan menjadi miskin atau tidak. Satu hal yang aku yakini, "Aku tidak akan jatuh miskin, karena memberi". Toh semuanya tidak akan aku bawa ke liang kuburku. 

Untuk menghindari semua kesalahan. Aku akan menempatkan anak-anak bangsa terbaik dari semuanya yang baik dan berdoa kepada Allah, "Ya Allah tunjukkan semua kelemahanku didepan mataku agar tidak menjadi kesalahan yang besar, yang dapat menyengsarakan orang-orang yang harus aku lindungi dan sayangi baik yang langsung ataupun tidak langsung"


Masih banyak kesempatan yang dapat aku raih jika aku menjadi CEO Grup Bakrie. Contohnya aku akan membuat perusahaan penambangan emas terbesar dan menggantikan perusahaan penambang emas luar negeri. Karena aku tidak ingin hasil kekayaan negeriku menjadi milik bangsa lain. Aku akan mengirim anak-anak bangsa terbaik untuk belajar diluar negeri. Hanya untuk memperoleh ilmunya. Karena akan aku karyakan disemua lini perusahaanku. Inilah yang aku sebut Kesempatanku adalah Kesempatanmu. Karena apa yang menjadi kesempatanku dapat menjadi kesempatan orang lain untuk menjadi lebih baik.


Ehmmmm.... Ketika aku menjadi CEO Grup Bakrie, aku tidak terlalu berpikir untuk ancaman-ancaman bagi semua perusahaanku. Biarkan semua mengalir apa adanya. Ketika aku terlalu berpikir tentang ancaman, maka itulah yang akan aku dapatkan. Ingat! Semua yang terpikir olehmu, maka itulah yang akan Allah berikan kepadamu. Jangan biarkan rasa kekhawatiran menang didalam kehidupan yang indah dan tenang. Nikmatilah hidupmu!!!


Dari semua tulisanku yang merupakan impian belaka. Ada satu cita-citaku yang akan aku penuhi jika aku menjadi CEO Grup Bakrie dan ini akan menjawab pertanyaanku sebelumnya.

Aku akan buat satu lagi perusahaan besar di Indonesia yang seluruh hasilnya tidak akan aku sentuh dan akan aku kembalikan untuk seluruh karyawanku. Tapi aku mau seluruh karyawanku berasal dari rakyat tidak mampu. Apakah itu para fakir miskin, anak yatim piatu, pengamen, pengemis jalanan, kaum dhuafa, yang mau dan mampu untuk bekerja. Namun sebelumnya akan aku buatkan rumah sehat sederhana untuk mereka semua dan aku berikan secara gratis. Penghasilan mereka akan aku potong 30% sebagai kompensasi untuk rumah yang diberikan secara gratis. Namun potongan tersebut akan aku gunakan lagi untuk terus menambah perumahan gratis bagi yang mau dan mampu bekerja. Jika ada pertanyaan darimana aku dapat uang untuk membangun perumahan dan perusahaan besar secara gratis? Tentunya dari 10% penghasilanku yang aku dapatkan  dari perusahaan yang sudah establish sekarang ini. Karena sebagian dari hartaku adalah milik orang lain yang lebih membutuhkan. Kenapa aku tidak mau hasil dari perusahaanku yang baru aku bangun? Karena aku menyadari jika aku menjadi CEO Grup Bakrie, hasil yang aku raih untuk hidupku didunia aku nilai sudah cukup. Tinggal aku memperoleh hasilnya untuk bekal hidupku di alam yang lebih kekal nanti. Karena hidup didunia hanyalah sementara. 

Maaf jika saya tidak menuliskan penjabaran ini secara ilmiah. Karena jujur saya hanyalah rakyat kecil yang mencoba meraih impian. 



Successful Link Building Tips for Your Internet Business

If you were to ask an expert internet marketer where they get all their traffic that seems ready to buy the moment they get there, they'd tell you that they rely on the search engines. If you hope to beat out all the other sites on the engines, then you'd better work at getting one way backlinks from relevant sites so that the search engines will favor you. Link building must be done if you ever hope to rank high for the keywords you've chosen. Getting loads of backlinks isn't hard if you just follow the tips you're about to read about. 

You should concentrate on building high quality backlinks, but this doesn't have to be hard and inconvenient. Yes, you will be able to create backlinks when you comment on other blogs that are in your niche. You probably think that making these comments will take too much time. Quite frankly, this is where you have to start making some great decisions. You have the chance to put your name and link in your blog comments.When you leave a comment on a blog, it can include your link and name. However, it is important how you make your comments and on which blog you put them. First, make comments on blogs that have the same topics as yours because this should get the readers that are interested in the same topics. 

Second, you should be certain that the blog has a high page rank because making comments on this type of blog will provide great backlinks that will be beneficial in more ways than one. Third, stay away from blogs that have a "no follow" tag. Simply put, you want the search engines to count your backlinks as a credible one. You can find tools on the internet that will help ascertain if a blog is a "no follow" blog. Finally, only insert your product name in your anchor text when you make blog comments, and not your personal name. Once you start practicing this process, you will see that it has many qualities. So, go on and try it out. 

You have to remember that your backlinking strategy is better when you have original links and you are ethical about the process. One good way to get backlinks to your website is to use Squidoo or HubPages. These are revenue sharing sites that let you write your own information articles and share them with your specified audience. The plus point with them is that they allow you to post links in anchor text, which makes them a valid candidate for your link building venture. Don't exploit these sites by doing illegal things, but instead utilize them as a part of your link building success. Search engines will view your backlinks as credible since they came from Squidoo and Hubpages, which have a lot of authority. This also means that the pages you create on these sites will have a good ranking be able to boost your own website for your specific keyword. 

What if you discovered a way to get a load of backlinks that was idiot proof? This is of course discussing building links via forums and other discussion sites. Most forums allow you to put your link in your signature box. You'll want to comment as much as possible so as to build a following, where they'll always know what link to click. This will put more eyeballs on your site in the form of the other members, but you'll also garner that backlink, which will help you in the search engine rankings. Last but not the least; make sure you're posting your links only on relevant forums that are related to your niche, so that you have the best chances to rank for your chosen keyword. 

In conclusion, these are simple but productive tips. Implement them now for good results.

 by: Bill Potter

How to Outsource Search Engine Optimization

Most business owners will tell you that saving time and money are key concerns. Yet many perform search engine optimization and other non-core services themselves. Some owners delegate to over-burdened staff members rather than outsource to specialists. Why is that? More importantly, is there a better way? 

To answer, let’s first consider a day in the life of a small business owner - George. George will tell you that the best time during the day is when he can sit in a coffee shop with a colleague or customer and solve problems. The problem may be how to enter a new market. It may be how to get his shipment from Charlotte to Chicago faster. No matter; George is in his element. Solving these problems is the reason that George went into business for himself. 

Unfortunately, the rest of his day doesn’t go as well. He has to deal with traffic getting back to his office. That pesky salesperson continues to call. Maybe he has to troubleshoot a project or run payroll for his staff. 

He’s paying bills, answering email, filing taxes and 100 other things in addition to trying to improve the search rankings for his website. Pretty soon the best part of George’s day has become a distant memory. 

Outsourced SEO Saves Your Business Time and Money 

It’s obvious that George, like many business owners, has too many things on his plate. Why should he outsource search engine optimization for his website? 

Consider the Hedgehog Concept for companies as described in Jim Collins’ book Good to Great. There’s a story about the fox, which is trying different strategies to attack the hedgehog. Each time the hedgehog rolls into a ball of spikes and it defeats the fox using this simple, consistent method. 

Collins found that great companies followed a few simple methods on their path to greatness. The methods were different between companies but they all answered three questions: 

What are we passionate about? 

What can we best in the world at? 

What drives our economic engine? 

Most businesses won’t answer “SEO” to the previous questions making it a great candidate to be outsourced to professionals. 

Where to Outsource Your SEO in North Carolina 

WSI offers complete search engine optimization services including content marketing. Our SEO specialists love what they do and are constantly upgrading their skills and learning from their colleagues around the world. To learn more visit our website at www.wsinetrevenue.com.

by: Wsinetrevenue

The Importance SEO firms

The term SEO firms stands for companies that are specifically tasked with Search Engine Optimization. Most people consider this quite irrelevant especially if their target customers can locate their company when searching for it on the internet. Companies that do not have any negative ratings may also think that an SEO firm is not that important. However, a large number of people have businesses rely on internet strategies. These businesses depend entirely on the search engines for traffic to their websites. This traffic translates into revenue for the company. For these businesses SEO firms are very significant as without good SEO results, the business would start floundering. 

When an individual is contemplating whether a search engine optimization company is relevant to them and their company, there are a few things they should ask themselves. The first would be whether people search for the company online using its name or by using a search engine. The second would be if the public try to contact you the individual as well as the members of your team through search engines. The third would be if the company is offering a good or a service that most people search for online. Most businesses that have either a complex or a consultative sales technique tend to answer in the affirmative to the first two questions. These businesses tend to employ consultants as well as professionals in their approach. If an individual finds that the first two questions apply to them then it is highly likely that they would need to enlist the services of a SEO firm to improve the rankings of their company. They would also need the services of a Link Building Company so as to accumulate relevant links to their website. 

For individuals that sell their goods or services online, plus those individuals who rely on a target demographic based on internet searches, the third question would be most applicable to them. Most of these individuals may not relate to the first two questions, but they still have a need to optimize keywords as well as phrases that link directly to their company or their specific services. These individuals will also have the objective of ensuring that the name of their company starts getting pushed up the rankings in online searches. Once an individual has a better concept of how SEO firms can work to help potential customers find their company easier, then one can decide on a specific strategy to push their products and services in the market. Understanding how SEO firms work and the benefits that they can have on one’s company also gives the individual an opportunity to set better budgets that are more suitable for their company. 

Lastly, when considering hiring an SEO firm to increase website traffic, a person has to keep in mind that they should set realistic expectations. The internet is a vast location and thus there is a lot of competition when it comes to any product or service. It may not be easy to get the most optimization one would want, but with time it gets better. One should always strive to find the perfect key word that their target demographic uses quite often online but which has not yet been unearthed by one’s competition.

by: Govind Agarwal

The Cost of a Basement Finishing Project

Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis in the Basement of Doom

You have been repeatedly told that finishing the basement of your Fargo home is a cost effective way of obtaining additional floor space. Since the basement is at a different level from your main living area you can finish it to gain a quiet and peaceful place to use as your home office, sport's room, home theater, or living area. Alternatively, you can finish your basement to be used as a children's play room or music room and ensure peace and order in the rest of your home. While the possibilities are endless, you naturally want to know how much the basement finishing project will cost.

Factors Affecting the Basement Finishing Cost

Like any construction project the cost of finishing the basement of your North Dakota home depends on various factors. Some of them are:

Size of the basement

Number of rooms needed

Need for egress windows

Appliances that will be used in the finished basement

Electrical work needed

Custom carpeting

Number of support pillars that are present

Amount of trim and molding desired

Number of windows

Some of these factors can be decided only after the design of the basement is finalized. Many home owners choose to finish only a part of the basement and retain the rest as storage space. This will require a door to access the storage space with ease. You do not want your guests seeing a pile of stuff, your stuff, when they are watching TV or playing some pool in your basement. It does not matter how nice you fix up the basement if half of it is filled by items collecting dust.

Other Factors Affecting the Cost

Apart from the costs mentioned above, many people decide to add a bathroom to their basement to minimize the number of trips upstairs. A dehumidifier too might be essential to keep the finished basement in Bismarck, ND, dry and usable. These additions naturally will add to the cost of your basement finishing project. However, the extra costs will add to the comfort level of the basement room and increase the value of your home.

Remodeling Costs

Homeowners planning to remodel the basement of their Fargo home will have to spend less than those wanting a complete basement finishing job done. When undertaking a remodeling project, the contractor will be able to utilize some of the existing tiles and other basement finishing products. For instance the floor and roof tiles might be retained. Also, if the existing windows have energy efficient panes, there is no need to replace them. This means that you have to only pay for the extra light fixtures and the cost of labor for their installation. By investing only a small sum, you will be able to convert the unused playroom into a home theater or home office.

Safety of Finished Basements

When it comes to a basement finishing project in Fergus Falls, MN, Fargo, or anywhere else, your imagination is the only limiting factor. The superior specialized basement finishing products available can convert even the most unpromising of basements - one that is dark and damp and has many support pillars and uneven walls into a warm, cheerful, and inviting room that can be safely used by all members of your family.

by: Felecia Drake
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